Last update: 2024-11-01

Privacy Statement


At FaceHarmony (aka we value your privacy and are committed to protecting and processing your personal information and photographs responsibly.

This privacy statement describes how FaceHarmony collects, uses and shares your information. It applies to website and FaceHarmony app.

If you have any questions related to Privacy at FaceHarmony, please contact us at

1. Information We Collect

1.1 Analytics

This section describes the various types of information that we collect and how we use it.

  • the webpages you view
  • the amount of time you spend on pages
  • the website URL that referred you to our pages
  • your geographic information derived from your IP address
  • and any hyperlinks or advertisements you select

1.3 Cookies and Similar Technologies

When you visit our website or app, we collect information regarding your connection by using various online tracking technologies, such as cookies, local storage on browser or mobile app, or HTML5. Information that is collected with these technologies may be necessary to operate the website or app, to improve performance.

A cookie is a piece of data that a website may send to your browser, which may be stored on your computer and can be used to identify your computer. Web beacons, including pixels and tags, are technologies that are used to track a user visiting a website or FaceHarmony app. Local Shared Objects can store content information displayed on the app.

Blocking, disabling, or rejecting FaceHarmony cookies may cause services to not function properly, such as in connection with a shopping cart, or block the use of website or app. Disabling cookies does not disable other online tracking technologies, but prevents the other technologies from accessing any details stored in cookies.

1.4 Contact Info

We collect your name, email address, and information related to the issue that you are communicating about. We may use this information to improve our services, contact you for more information and perform normal business activities related to the topic.This applies to both our website and FaceHarmony app.

1.5 Related to Children

Unless otherwise indicated, our website and app are not intended for use by children under the age of 16.

1.6 Yours and FaceHarmony Protection

We may collect and use information to protect you and FaceHarmony from IT security threats and to secure the information that we hold from unauthorized access, disclosure, alteration, or destruction. This includes information from our IT access authorization systems, such as log-in information. The security solutions we use to protect your information, our infrastructure, and our networks may collect information such as IP addresses and log files. This is necessary for the functionality and utility of security programs to enable the investigation of any potential security incidents and generate insights on security threats. We may use specialized tooling and other technical means to collect information at access points to, and in, IT systems and networks to detect unauthorized access, viruses, and indications of malicious activities. The information we collect may be used to conduct investigations when unauthorized access, malware or malicious activities are suspected, and to remove or isolate malicious code or content. We may use specialized tooling and other technical means to collect information at access points to, and in, IT systems and networks to detect unauthorized access, viruses, and indications of malicious activities. The information we collect may be used to conduct investigations when unauthorized access, malware or malicious activities are suspected, and to remove or isolate malicious code or content.

1.7 Waiting List

Our FaceHarmony app is not open to public. New users have to either be invited by existing users or to express interest to join our app by filling out a form on our FaceHarmony website. We collect name, email and other information which makes it possible for us to create an account for your FaceHarmony app.

1.8 Photographs That You Upload

The initial step before creating a model for yourself is to upload your photographs. For this reason, we ask you to grant permission to access your photo library. We process and upload only specific photos that you choose to be used as part of the model creation. We do not collect or view other photos even if you have granted us access to them. Photographs that you upload contain face data. Before uploading the photo we show the photo to you and allow you to crop a patch around the face that that you want to create the model for. Then we upload the cropped patch to our server and verify that the area contains one human face. If the selected patch doe snot contain a face, or it it has multiple faces, we reject that photo and do not store any information. We upload and temporarily store photographs that you gives us permission to access and be used as part of the model creation, in our third-party cloud provider, Google Cloud Platform for the purpose of model creation. During the time that these photographs stay with us, we safeguard the access to each photograph by using random ids that can only be found in our secured storage and access control roles that prevent public access to these location. These photographs can only be accessed by a special image processor service key responsible for processing these photos. Your photographs remain in the cloud for a limited period between until the model is created. At which point they are deleted from the cloud. Because your photographs contain face data and face data are sensitive information linked to you, we explain in details how we collect and store face information. As described above, FaceHarmony app requires access to face data to perform its function. You upload the face data through the upload facility provided in the app which also requires permission to access your photo library in the device. We require intensity images with three channels (RGB) as the input to our system. The face data is part of these photos. We use face data to train a neural network model that is only accessible and under your control. Additionally, we might use your face data to re-train your model in order to improve the quality of the model and the generated photos thereafter. We do not use face data for purposes other than training of your own model. During the verification process of your photographs, we send a patch of your photograph that you have cropped for training to Google Vision API platform for face detection analysis and detection of NSFW contents. We use face data to train a neural network model that is only accessible and under your control. Your data is privately held in Google Storage and we do not share your face data with other third-parties. To learn more about Google Vision API privacy policy please consult Google Vision API privacy policy. We store the photographs that contain your face in a Google Cloud Object Storage that is only accessible by our app through the best security practices and rules that Google has provided for us in the guidelines. We retain your face data for as long as the associated model remains undeleted. When you delete the model, it is marked as pending deletion for 30 days. During this period, if the deletion was in error, you may contact our support team to restore your model. After the 30-day period, the model and all associated face data will be permanently removed from our storage systems.

1.9 Photographs That You Order

You can order photographs to be generated by one or more models that you have already created. We generate these photographs and store them in a special place on the cloud which is only accessible by your account. You can view these photos, reject them or download them. Downloaded photos will remain on the cloud and accessible by your account until you download them to your device or explicitly delete them from the app. The photos that you reject will remain on the cloud for two months or until you decide to delete your account. You can order photographs to be generated by one or more models that you have already created. We generate these photographs and store them in a special place on the cloud which is only accessible by your account. You can view these photos, reject them or download them. Downloaded photos will remain on the cloud and accessible by your account until you download them to your device or explicitly delete them from the app.

1.11 Models That You Create

Models that you create is stored on the cloud with the same security that we use to prevent public access. Only a photo order processor with the right service key has access to the models. Your model will remain in the cloud until you delete it from the app at which point it will be removed effective immediately.

1.12 Information After Account Deletion

If you decide to delete your account, your account will be deactivated for 30 days. You still have the opportunity to reactive your account and undo the deletion. After 30 days, any information, generated photos, login info and models will be removed from our cloud and this action is not reversible. We map keep a one way hash of your email address to know that you have already tried our app.

2. Data Collection and Storage

2.1 Email

We collect your email during your sign up for the waiting list and upon approval, your mail is used for login purposes. Currently you cannot update your email. If you delete your account, you email will be completely removed from our system. We keep a one-way hash of your email to make sure that you have not previously signed up for the free trial of our app.

2.2 Name

We collect your name during your sign up for the waiting list. We are using your name for personalization purposes when we send relevant transactional emails to your account. You can update your name inside the app. Once you delete your account, your name will be deleted along with all your other data.

2.3 Coarse Location

During your visit to our website or our app, a coarse location of you will be anonymously recorded by Google Analytics. We will use this information to know the location of our customers and personalization of our app and services.

2.4 Photos

You photos that you upload to our app are necessary for app function and will be used to create a personalized model for you. During the verification process, we share your photo with Google Vision API to do face detection and look for NSFW content. We use Google Object Storage to store your photos in a non-public space that is only accessible by our system. As long as your model is alive, we might use you photos again to update the model in order to improve the quality of the generated images. In order to remove your photographs, you will need to delete the model associated with them. Once your model is deleted, you photos will be permanently removed from your storage.

2.5 Face data

We expect the photos that you upload to our system to contain face data. Please refer to "Photos" section above to know about the why we use, share and store your face data.

2.6 Customer Support

We collect information regarding the issues that your are facing when you contact us for customer support. Your data will be stored on our server for the life-cycle of your account. Once you delete your account, your customer support data will be deleted with the account.

2.7 Purchases

We keep record of your purchases in our dataset to be able to support you in case you needed our help with one of your purchases. Your data will remain in our server until you delete your account.

2.8 Device Information

Information about the device that you use to run our app will be anonymously communicated with Google Analytics. We might use this information to improve our services in the future.

2.9 Product Interaction

Information about your visit to our website or app will be gathered by Google analytics. We might use this information to improve our services in the future.

2.10 Crash Data

We will use data about your crashes for the purpose of analytics and improving our product in the future.

2.11 Performance Data

We will use performance data for the purpose of analytics and improving our product in the future.

3. Privacy Statement Updates

3.1 Material Change

If a material change is made to this Privacy Statement, the effective date is revised. By continuing to use our websites and services after a revision takes effect, it is considered that users have read and understand the changes.

3.2 Contact Us

If you have any questions related to Privacy at FaceHarmony, please contact us at